As days gone by....

              Second semester in IIUM just ended few days ago and I was done emptying the room in Ruqayyah about few hours ago. As I put the gear on reverse and slowly looking back at the quite-old-but-still-quite-new building, I find it hard to leave. It might seem lame, because others might feel like leaving is the best part because you're going back to the place you're familiar with; home. While for me, it suddenly came to me that as I leave the area, I'm walking to a different path in less than 20 days. I'd be coming back as a different person, having something else to look up in my life, or I might not even come back at all. 

             It's overwhelming really, as you grow older, you're supposed to go wiser, but of course, you need lessons and changes to become wiser. For the past few months, many had happened and every single tiny bit of those actually created who I am today. Never mind how much I whine, or I cry, it's in the past, because, the result of then, is the thing that's going to help and show me the path to the future. 

             You learn who to appreciate, who to thank, you learn that you can't simply use the concept of 'by hook or by crook' to get everything you want or need. Changes must happened, so you can be better, because better has no finish line. You can always keep on being better. It might looked like I'm not confident of myself, but really, the reason I rate myself 7/10 every time asked is because I believe there's always, always room for me to improve. 

            Something I want to share, don't be afraid of changes. Hesitate when deciding, but regret no more after you've thought it through. Don't be afraid to ask but know who to ask from. 

It's more personal this time,      


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