
Showing posts from July, 2008


waaaaa!!!!!!!! chemistry nk koyak jerk paper tuhh!! sengal tul.. agam not bad arh..englishh..byk giler nk kene tulis..esok bio, est ngn FUCKIN addmathss.. tahap mennntooolll! 2 days ago ader bnde best jadik..manusia itu..wat request kat fly fm flirty at 10.30.. then masuk radio..hahahah klaka giler..xnk cite lbeyh2..bahaye.. :D arinih tade pape pon..xpoase coz nk bawak pasta yg aku masak malam tadik tuk they all tuh.. abbes! mereka kenyang perut suka hati larhh..haha..

hari ni

today woke up at 5.30..MasyaALLAH ngantuk tahap gaban. dnt know why tp memang xleyh lelapkan mate balik.. so baring2 atas katil..was scared dat i cud shiver myself till my teeth drop if i get into d bathroom dat early. pukul 6 mandi..solat subuh..dengar fly fm morning session..its interesting. not dat i juz knew bout it though.. sampai sekolah trus letak kepale atas meja. seronok. dpt lelap mate kejap.pstuh mr ganesh masuk..he told us dat he's leaving and miss mona lee will take over. damn..most people said shes kinda bitchy and stuff. i have no idea whether dats true. i hope not coz it wud be tough for all of us and her too..when she finds out dat we have a big number of "good students"! Biology arinih buat experiment..bakar kacang..nggee~! we got it at first but we had so much fun wit it. we burn another one..i still got 10 minutes of nap on dat high table, which pretty much tempted me even more to juz close my eyes though i can still hear Pn Zainab talking about fats i


Nothing much happened today. i wasnt in a very good mood bile sampai skola tadi.. very sleepy..then kyren buat lawak kat kantin (kene bertugas) so dat took my headache away.. then naik kelas..Pn Kartina is doing dis BM quizzes which 1 of d reasons dat i really love her! me, sabrina and emma..kiteorg kene teamed up wat komsas n IQ test!! which sabrina enjoyed the most obviously larh the IQ test.. then yg komsas tuh kene arrange letters to make words.. TKNUAN - kiteorg buat tukuan !! hahah it supposed to be "tuanku" LOL~~ then ader GARON SAIL - i said it was ARGON SAIL..hahaha i thought it was in the book sumwhere..rupenyer... ORANG ASLI~~!!! hahahaa aduhhaii we got pretty good marks and got small sized EMMA nk sgt kit i mcm biaser..ikut ckp tuan puteri tuh.. sabrina mrajuk coz she wanted d toblerone..hahaha sume nk jage pyh arh camniihh.. pija kepeng ngn anis dpt biskut..coz they got d highest..then ader extra..cikgu ckp take d balanced..aku d

Survey (from esah)

MY SURVEY ; Name : An-Zurie Ayesya Abu Johan Nickname : Aza Age : 16 Birthday : 31st Jan 1992 School : Melawati High Class : 4 Kreatif I hate : (wat is it to hate?) I love : my friendss :) BESTFRIEND SURVEY ; Name : Raden Ain Nabilah Hambali Birthday : 23rd Jan 1992 She live in : Melawati Black or white : Black Favorite drink : alamakk! X) Favorite movie : Korean movies Favorite Food : Kuih Talam * thnx hazmi!! Best memory : knowing her Worst memory : USED to hate her.. Qoutes for her : Everyone hears what you say. Best friends listen to what you don't say. If you... Only had 24 hours left with this person what will you do? i'll stand by her side and tell her tht she's my bestfriend forever. ask if you can bring a friend & wait for me at the heaven. LOVE SURVEY ; Whats his name : Ahmad Fahmie Amir Do you love him truly : Yup Is he older than you


wadduuhh~ pagi tadi da gelabah coz tido lmbt..ngek tul..! daalrh dis month kiteorg bertugas(prefect larh ooiit) auntie ita tumpangkan (jiran bwh) tibe2 kua plak story.. ade accident kat selekoh hillside apartment nih, between block 1-2 dgn 5-9..(i think larh) seorg budak berumur 8 thun yg menunggang basikal dilanggar mati oleh kereta yg dipandu warga cina semasa membelok keluar.. hahah..mcm pembaca berita larh plak.. tapi unfortunately for the kid's family..he died..innalillahi wainnalillah hirajiun..sedekahkan al-Fatihah. smpai skola.. perghh! alhamdulillah xlmbt..agagagag dalarh bru jadik prefect da buat kepala besar kan! pn rohana da "cepat pelajar buat barisan!" aku pon cam kesian arh kat cikgu kan coz d others cam buat dunno jerk..aku suhlarh dak2 tuh bratur.. ngek btul... yadiyadidaaaa..perhimpunan yg cam biase sgt bosan.. then..we prefects kene berkumpul..ingtkn pemende..rupenyer kene sound seyhh! fuk.. rohana bg tauliah bukn men pnjg..saying we're n


hahaha .. pertama kali nak mengusha blogging nih .. maybe u guys da forever da tau psl blogging and this thing is getting very lame 4 d rest of u.. well..i knew it long ago..but never care to actually used it.. haha .. well.. ok for start.. i'm an- zurie ayesya anak abu johan ..very proud aquarians ! and..yeah.. hahaha today sgt boring.. i spent whole day ( xgak .. coz ader wat nota sejarah & agame tadi ) on d computer..playing stupid games.. man i wished i had sumthing better to do..u watching movies..oh man! speaking of which.. im sooooo missing on "made of honour". patrick dempsey !.. mcm biase larh ..mama wont let me go out..d reason? she's juz .................................i wont say it.. omi is staying at home..actually da lame pon .. tp d longer she stays.. yaALLAH .. mmg aku xnk lekat kat rumah larh .. she babbles u noe ..but i guess thats wat grandmothers do.. umm ..oh yeah.. JOHN! mmg sakit ati .. i g