Since Tweet & Facebook is now a verb

            Something that other people would call as internet on the go, most people would have a Blackberry or iPhone to make sure their Facebook notifications and Twitter mentions would not be missed. Not something that I would call an advantage since I'm not really into that social networking websites kind of stuff. I mean, I use them for daily basis but mostly to play the games. I know, call me lame. Anyhow, since people nowadays would answer 'I'm facebooking, or I'm tweeting' having smartphones would be the latest trend. Not that I'm jealous of them or anything like that, it's just that these advantages sometimes came along with their drawbacks.

Situation 1.

             I was out for dinner with my brother, his wife and kids. Can't resist to have my 2 year-old niece to sit beside me so she could scream for a Twisties that I bought that evening. While waiting for the 'Nasi Goreng Kampung extra Pedas'  I can't help looking and listening to the couple in front of me. The wife was holding their, I would say 14 months old baby boy, facing the husband, who was laid back on the rattan chair while hanging tight to his HTC randomly going around his Facebook account. I really don't mind what he's doing, but the thing that annoys me the most is when the wife was busy telling stories and trying to have a conversation with the husband, he just kept on ignoring his beloved and continued with his random browsing. He did say a few words like 'oh' and 'yeke'  but don't you rather to have someone especially your other half to concentrate on you rather than some random social networking websites?

Situation 2.

           When I was going through Twitter, a few of my friends were tweeting to each other and the only weird thing about that is when their Tweets went as; 'XX and I are so malas, we are in the same room but can't be bothered to open our mouth and talk, so we Tweet!' Yes for the first 5 mins I also thought they were so cute than I realised that is so stupid. I mean, what happened to natural bonding time with your mates?

Situation 3.

            This happened to me personally about a month ago. I went to visit some friends after about half a year not seeing them. we decided to go to dinner and we forced 8 people including me into the car. Thank God, the others were Praying Mantis while I was the Panda. Arriving to the food stall and ordered our food, I knew we were having the girls talk we were longing to have. We weren't that tight that we shares each others' secrets but my heart cries after  not seeing them for 6 semesters. So the story went that 7 of them owns their own Blackberry. 3 of them were Tweeting, 4 of them were bbm-ing. Their head were down replying to their tweets and etc while I was staring at them. They couldn't even tell that I was staring for atleast 7 minutes. The reason that I made such a big fuss about it is because we barely see each other, and I put my heart and soul to come down to them just for a decent conversation.

         It's the same when it comes to texting. Asking a friend to come and hang out and yet they spent 90% of the together time hanging tight to their phones. Even when you're superb at multi-tasking, it's still annoying and even more when you blind your eyes and deaf your ear to others while replying to your text even if it's not intentionally. Seriously dudes and dudettes, cherish your friends and family while they are still in front you.

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drskullz said…
Interesting stuff. I like it. :p
Nur Jaffnie said…
I like this too aza. So sad seeing those with bb and ip yada yada and I've been in the almost similar situation too ;-(
HizzNadia said…
make it free said…
wow,, ur english superb! and ermmm,
im new n hoping u can follow me back,, thanks a lot!!
its not bout money,, its mine!
-and i do hope kalau ade yang free tu, visit n follow kalau nak,, tinggalkan jejak,, insyaallah follow kalau nampak,,, terima kasih sgt2!
Dy said…
Nice post ! :D
miss rainy days said…
its so true.. idk anything else to say, i mean write, other than this is so true..
admin said…
blogwalking in here, nice post
YoYoasia said…
Funny situations haha...but i guess there are pros and cons to this.

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