Not so good in English now, are you?

Not dissing anyone in particular, just having a full analysis of myself, myself and only. It has been ages since my days with people in surrounding having a British accent, remarkable vocabs, and definitely people to correct my imperfection in English. Not that my English was horrible that I have to walk around with dictionaries in my hand and have my grammar corrected by anyone who walks by, but they thought I was. I think I've changed those Caucasian's and Maori's thoughts.

Not so much difference here, we talk in English just no so much, thus my English starts to fade eventually. Not totally, but probably half of them. I'm using simple vocabs, and sometimes I still misspelled, which somehow quite embarrassing for me cause I used to excel in my English with flying colours. I have grammar mistakes too, that sure puts me in deep confusion.

It is possible, to be losing your ability in anything. I mean, today you might be a math geek and who knows in 3 years time you might not even remember what does mathematical pie equals to. No offence, to the geeks though.

It might be the books too. I barely touch an inch thick of any kind of books. I mean, I don't have the time, or I'm not supposed to have the time. With such a major examination going on in another month time, I would not dare myself to touch a book even for 5 mins. It's like a curse, when I do touch of any kind of reading material, I tend to force myself to finish the book. Which probably takes up to 4-5 hours to get a 5 inch thick novel, and I'm a fast reader. Even worst when I barely flip through pages of Chemistry or Biology. So, no books, I mean, no -not-school-books- for a while. I might have to save a few hundreds of ringgit to buy myself books, I mean, lots of books to get myself back in the track trying to talk high-class English with astonishing vocabs like the British lads do.

oooh yes, I love English blokes. Sexy and mouth-watering! Oh, no offense Channing Tatum, you are still hot as you will always be.

Not reading,


Anonymous said…
xpe, nant kte speaking2 k :DD
An-Zurie Ayesya said…
dari awal tahun janji ngn sab..hahaha ;D
Anonymous said…
no worries babe!
di mana bumi di pijak, di situ langit dijunjung ;D

btw just so u noe
faris ihsan n nabil still ade great vocab bile dia speak n chat in msn
being around ppl like us, doesnt make any diff to them
being around ppl like us too, doesnt mean u hv to downgrade ur vocab

An-Zurie Ayesya said…
sayang ku raden ain, im not downgrading anyone, just when i hang out here, ofcourse ckp bahasa kita kan? mmg takleh avoid, not that we dont talk in english at all though :D

love yaaa bebeh ;D
drskullz said…
The only thing that bugs me in this blog.. is CHANNING TATUM.. sheesh..

I think ryan reynolds is way better than channing tatum..
Anonymous said…
yeah i noe sygku an-zurie
its juz that u cant avoid ckp manglish kan? so its not that u r not so good in english, die just pergi skjp. no worries (:
An-Zurie Ayesya said…
raden: aku harap dia balik secepat mungkin!

encik ahmad, the only reason u said that is because u like ryan reynolds. :D
john said…
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