Le Kreme of Karma for Lunch

     Karma. A word that I heard often but rarely use. The word that certain people like to believe that it'll bring positive changes to themselves. I won't say that exactly. Here, lets see what does it actually mean. Karma: the sum of a person's actions in this and previous states of existence, viewed as deciding the fate in future existences (Oxford Dictionary).

     An event that occur few days ago that made me thinking, why do people believe in karma? Why would they hope that karma would give revenge to those who hurt them in the past? 89% of the time that I heard of this word, it would come with such hatred from these individuals. Karma originated from the culture of Hinduism or Buddhism. I would not say it's totally wrong to put karma as a belief because I'm not actually qualified to talk about the hukum in Islam. Even so, this is what I think of karma.

     As I mentioned earlier, some people tend to rely on karma as an element of avenge to their enemies or individuals who physically/ mentally/ emotionally hurt them in the past. Some maybe think this is much better than execute the revenge yourself, but it's actually the same thing. It shows how much you hope that karma would fucked up another person's life just because you were hurt. Islamic teachings don't approve on this attitude. The attitude to pray and hope that others' life would be filled of obstacles just because you had a few. It is never a good thing to pray for someone else's destruction so that they will feel what we feel of struggle and hardship. 

     It's also crucial to know that our past and future events are in ALLAH's hands, not some culture belief named karma. Qada' and Qadar is the main point here. I'm not saying that we should leave things and wait just for the rainbow to come along while we're sitting down doing nothing. Try hard as we go and never give up. The most important part is to leave the rest to HIM and pray hard. 

    Another better way to look at this is you should do good deeds. Whenever you do good deeds, insyaALLAH you'd be repaid with other people's good deeds or even better, from ALLAH HIMself. The Malay proverb always say 'the ones who gave are better than those who receive." So, stop thinking about destroying others life and let yourself be a better person.

Note to self :),


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