Dear smokers, please kindly answer these questions

            Can't help but noticing that previous posts has been kinda personal and all about my life, which something that I've trying to avoid when I think that blogs should be more public and general so that readers could also relate to their own personal dilemmas. So I'm trying to pull myself to be on the right track again. Which I should start with this - smoking.

            Here's whats happened. I had a terrible day today, the pain got into my head and I had a terrible headache. So I was asking myself, would it be better if I had a puff? I mean, I go everywhere and people keep telling me that the reason they really smoke cause it helps them to calm down. The problems they are having seems to go along with every puff that they release from their esophagus (to non-biology students out there, it's somewhere close to your throat). So, dear smokers, I'm not being sarcastic at all. Plain curiousity asking whether it's true that after a cigarette you tend to be calm about your problems? These are the people who we call Problem Smoker

           Okay, I've also known some people who call themselves as Social Smokers where according to them, they only light a cigarette when they hang with their friends who also smoke. I mean, they don't buy themselves a box of cigarette and have a puff every once in a while. These are the people who smoke when they are offered a cigarette and do it for the sake of blending in with their mates. This is one of a good example of peer pressure even after 6 years they finished high school. It's true.

           Some of them are known as Casual Smokers


Anonymous said…
Its not that you become calm after you smoke. It's how you tend to think about your problems. Basically from my own experience, there are people who just smoke because they want to ignore it. There are also who smoke to take time to think. Basically its just an escape.
Unknown said…
yup!macam aku...

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