Very personal letter for you my dear friend


                    What's up dudes and dudettes. For those who recognise this very important in my life, good. For those who doesn't, this is someone who's very important in my life. Teeheee. 

                    Dear Raden Ain Nabilah, Happy 19th dear. I'm really sorry I couldn't post you any birthday presents, or even a card. I'd thought it would be lost somewhere around Taipei before it reaches Nashville. I thought e-cards are lame, although I think this collage is lame too, but atleast I put an effort in it. Heeeee.

                    Throughout the process of this collage, first thing that came into my mind was, seriously, we don't have many photos of us together eventhough it has been 9 years since we became friends. Other than that, we have spoken to each other for atleast a month now. I don't even know all the little details about your new home in Nashville, and I haven't updated you anything on my semester which I'm having my finals in less than 2 weeks now. 

                    For other people, they would think that I'm the most horrible best friend anyone could have for not been talking every minute like other best friends would do. They might also think what we have is not a friendship as we don't get to see each other every day. But of course, for me, I could not think of my past without you, or even imagine my future with 7 kids without having you around the house as their god-mother. 
There would always be you. 

                  Despite of that, what we have is very special. I don't know if this ever happened to other people but I think how we went through that 'almost-a-decade' is quite awesome. I mean, 2 years in New Zealand and only one letter, few e-mails, and never a phone call, we still managed to talk without feeling awkward afterwards. We went through 3 years of high school together, you went off for Nashville and left me alone. And yet, I know that we would be fine even we had to go through internet line that sucks for an hour talk over Skype once a month. Cause that's how we rock the world with our friendship. 

                 I love reminiscing our memories in primary school. The thought of you stealing Khairun away from me made you as my worst enemy. Than she left us both, and that's how we became best friend. After 9 hours, I'd still laugh because of that memory. I'm sorry if that's becoming a bit lame. 

                I love how I would invite myself to your house and make it as my own. Especially your kitchen. I felt like I was in heaven. Hahahaa. But seriously, Mak masak sedap woah! 

                I love that you were my personal tutor for years, though I'm sure you weren't excited to have me as your student. Hehe. That's how I know how furious you could be sometime. 

               I love that you would advice and nag at me till my ears bleed. It literally bled. Haha. I mean, without you nagging at me all these times, I wouldn't be such a good listener. You helped me through my hard times. You laughed with me through the good times. You laughed at me when I had silly times. You laughed straight at my face. Hehe. I still love you. Though you always avoided my hugs, I still know that you love me so bad that's why you nagged for 5 years. HEHE. 

              I love the fact that even we don't see each other every day, we would still talk for hours on the phone. Even when we talked hours on the phone for 3 days in a row, tomorrow would still be the same without even feeling bored. Only, we couldn't do that continuously, cause we have other things to do. 

             I love it that I love so many things about you! I love that I have to spend more than 2 hours to type all the thing I love about you. I love you so much that I can't describe all the things I love about you. :)

             I love you sayang, I'm sorry that I can't spend your 19th with you, but I promise to myself that, we would have fun together, strolling around Nashville, throw each other snow balls with I would go crazy over cause I'm so jakun about snow, for your 20th birthday ok? 

            May ALLAH bless you with all the success and happiness in life my dear beloved
 Raden Ain Nabilah 


Raden Ain said…
Awww honey~ yeah. u are right. those collage obviously shows that we dont have that many pictures haha. sad right?
and another thing is that, i agree with u. people might think we are the worst best friend ever. we dont spend time with each other continuously. yet, we are really close up till now right? :).
and u dont have to emphasize on the word NAG. as though im mak nenek or something like that haha. I LOVE so many things about u too :)

Thx for this sweet letter, thx for everything, thx for being my friend.

I love u :)
Raden Ain said…
that collage * haha

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