Never knew I'm so lonely that I'm the loneliest person among all the loners

An-Zurie Ayesya = Lonely

            That equation doesn't sound quite right. Because for all the times I've ups and downs in life, I never felt so lonely until today. Today I realised that I don't have that really much friends to accompany me when my mates are already occupied with their own activities. With the lack of souls around the house since mama left for Hajj, my insanity seems to lose itself when I kept staring at the ceiling telling myself what should I do for today. I've spent hours interacting with the object others my age could not live without like laptops and music, still, I haven't find any satisfaction after hours browsing through ArmorGames, Zedge even. No need to mention Facebook and Twitter. 

           The funny thing is, it is such a coincidence that as I'm typing every word down, this song came out from my iTunes play list. 

           It isn't that I have no assignments to be done, just I've not located my mood to hold a pen in my hand. I hope soon though, cause I've so much of them but so little of time. It surprised me that I'm so in depression that I drove through DUKE highway for 3 times, and yes, alone before I figured out to take a stroll in JJ and maybe get some things for myself. Who ever said that shopping is good as a therapy, I think they need to reassure their theories, cause after 2 hours of walking into every stores there, I felt even worst cause I can't find for the things I'm looking for. 

I hope that

Depression is underestimated, 


Nur Azieefah said…
azaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, imy
sabrina said…
im here la laling..
Anonymous said…
loneliness IS temporary.

i totally agree.


give yourself time. =)
Raden Ain said…
drove 3 times kat DUKE? u should have brought me along. i hv lots of things to buy :P. Chill la syg~ I miss you. Here, I feel more lonely ok. Wish I can go back this winter or at least next summer.

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