My 15 minutes survey

Instruction : Once you are tagged, answer all the questions honestly. No lying or cheating.

Starting time : 3:32am

Name : An-Zurie Ayesya bt Abu Johan
Brother(s) : 2
Eye colour : Dark Brown
Shoe size : 9

Hair : Dark Brown
Piercings : Yes
Height : 169cm
What are you wearing right now : turquoise baby top ans shorts
Where do you live : Hulu Kelang, Kuala Lumpur
Favourite number : 7
Favourite drink: Watermelon Juice
Favourite month : January
Favourite breakfast : Toast 

-Have you ever-

1. Broken a bone : NO
2. Been in a police car : Nope
3. Fallen for a friend : Yup
4. Fallen for a guy/girl in a short period of time : Yeah
5. Swam in the ocean : Yezza
6. Fallen asleep in school : 24/7
7. Broken someone's heart : Did I?
8. Cried when someone died : Yeap
9. Sat by the phone all night waiting for someone to call : Ahaa
10. Saved e-mails : Yes
11. Been cheated on : Yupp


1. Your room look like : Something with a lot of stuff
2. What is right beside you : 'The Resurrection and The Afterlife" (doing assignment)
3. What is the last thing you ate : Domino's

-Ever Had-

1. Chicken pox : YES
2. Sore throat : YES
3. Stitches : Nuh
4. Broken nose : Nope

-Do You-

1. Believe in love at first sight : Nope
2. Like picnics? : Definitely


1. Who did you last yell at? : Can't recall, I yell them all
2. Who was the last person you danced with? : Aliah Amirah
3. Who last made you smile? : Sabrina Amran

-Final Questions-

1. What are you listening to right now? : That Should Be Me - JB
2. What did you do today? : Stressed out, and cooled down
3. Are you the oldest? : Nuh
4. Indoors or outdoors? : outdoors of course ;)

-Today did you-

1. Talk to someone you like? : Just did
2. Kiss anyone?: Does Bobby count?
3. Sing? : I'm longing to hold a mic
4. Talk to an ex? : I wish I had
5. Miss someone ? : Terribly 
6. Eat?: Ahaa

-Last person who-

1. You talked to on the phone? : Sabrina Amran
2. Made you cry? : The National Library did
3. Went to the movies with? : Sabby & Emma
4. You went to the mall with? : Siah, Zfah, Alia
5. Who cheered you up? : Sabrina Amran

-Have you-

1. Been to Mexico? : Wish I had
2. Been to USA? : Hopefully next year


1. Have a crush on someone? : Yeah
2. What books are you reading right now? : Wish it was an interesting book, but assignments titles will have to do for now
3. Best feeling in the world? : When I have no worries in any sort at all
4. Future kids name? : Zurie and Zuhry
5. Do you sleep with a stuffed animal? : Yeap
6. What's under your bed? : Boxes, books, old toys
7. Favourite sport(s) : Hockey, if it's not obvious enough.
8. Favourite place : Never knew I'd say this, but home is sweet home
9. Who do you really hate? : Me
10. Do you have a job? : Studying is supposed to be my jonb for now isn't it?
11. What time is it now? : 3.45am


Anonymous said…
169 cm? seriously :O haha
sabrina said…
aza! aku suka ini question! bole buat tak?
Anonymous said…

Thanks for sharing the link - but unfortunately it seems to be not working? Does anybody here at have a mirror or another source?

An-Zurie Ayesya said…
hey william, i'm wondering, which link are you referring to?
Raden Ain said…
syg, bkn 169 cm xD. aku pon 170 cm xD... btw been to USA? next year.. come on babeh~!come here summer time. xD

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