DMC1A, I'll always love you, even from far away.

I love you, so much, that 4 months are enough
I love you, so much, that all the arguments doesn't matter
I'll miss you, so much, I would cut myself into half,
I'll miss you, so much, I hope without me, all would be better :)

All the laughter and tears we had together,
Will all be remembered here and after,
Tease around, screams and shouts,
Will always be heard in my mind loud and clear

Thank you for the time we had
Thank you for the moments we shared
No one could replace you
No one would disgrace you

For the things we haven't done
InsyaALLAH there will be some other time
For those that we've had our fun,
I'll keep them in my mind

I'll miss everyone of you.

Lots of love,


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