What's true and what's not

            Amigas; plural for friends in Spanish. I have this one obsession about Spanish language. Never had any chance learning them yet since the head principle of Logan Park High School didn't let me take the class when I was in Year 10. She thought it would be hard for me because English is already my second language as she thought that Malaysia don't teach English as a compulsory subject in schools. Well too bad for me.

            As I was saying, friends; this particular topic always attract me in any aspect at all. It's just an ingredient of life that I could never figured out of. The moment I started having memories of friends, always change the theories of what friends are, really. I used to think friends need to see each other everyday, play and talk all day. I used to think that every person you play with and talk with is your friend. I thought that having more friends are better than couple of friends. That all changed, as I grow up and see the other side of life.

           Different scenes in life took over one by one, one step at time. Different causes varies different actions, lead to different effects and results. So what's true about friends then? In my own thoughts, you don't call for a friend. Never say they belong to you cause you will never know, the tighter you trying to hold them in, the further they wanna run from you. Trust me, I know. In fact, I know three times better than anyone else.  No one else is a better teacher than the experience itself.

           When it comes to what's not, stop thinking that you have to see each other every day, talk all night and never fight to make sure you and your buddy can be friends forever. When you're trying so hard, than you know you're doing it all wrong. True friends are when no matter how far you guys are, separated by the seas or continents, you can still talk to each other after months, years without being awkward. And yes, arguing helps. So you'll know the monster side of them and can still accept them open heartedly. The most important lesson I learned from my good ol' teacher; XP (you gamers should know this), when you give, never expect to receive back. This is the most crucial rule in the world out of everything and anything. Be sincere, smile when they thank you, and don't grudge in when they walk away. That's why another important rule is always give back when you received.

           Heads up when they moved on from you, chin up when they show they don't need you. Stand on your own two feet, walk along the journey to find that true friend, and never stop even when you thought you have found that good friend.    

These are just notes to myself :)


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