It's a damn slow day today.

I didn't even have a nap last night, my eyes kept blinking staring at the empty ceiling thinking off all the little details in every single corner in my life. Some were curvy, most of them had sharp edges. The clock ticked abruptly. I know it was 5 to 6 o'clock in the morning. I gave up at that point after 2 hours laying down on the bed trying to have at least a short nap so I got up from the bed, walked to the bathroom and washed up myself. I did shiver for 20 seconds, but then I loved all the drops of early morning shower. 6.17a.m. Every single soul in the house were snoring. I was bored to death that I saw the car keys hanging on the walls. Yeah, I grabbed them and ran for the door, and yes, I don't have any driving license at what sort at all. Though I was determined that I'm going to drive that Savvy to that Mamak stall that was atleast 20 minutes away at 50km/h. I went through a round about than I switched on to Fly FM. During the back and forth 50 minutes of illegal driving, all the songs that came on the radio were all love songs, or slow songs, jazzy, ballads, that sort of songs that would let you calm your feelings and might even let you fall asleep, thank god I didn't. Or I might have wished that I didn't grab the car keys.

Some how it crossed my mind that it knew it was a dull and gloomy day for me, so it didn't bother to cheer me up with Ciara or Britney Spears. I mean, the whole time I was holding concentrating on steering the wheels and balancing my clutch and brake, the kind of songs that came up were like lullabies.

 I could take no more of the tears and heart broken lyrics, I sped up the car and reached home somewhere around 7, and covered my eyes with a red pillow so that I'll have the beauty sleep that I need and desire so badly.

Woke up at 13.32,


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