Tv is my enemy

No, not really. Just I really can't stand all the Indonesian's accent when browsing through the stations. Maybe it's time to get Astro now. What's up with all the Indonesians dramas, series and what not? I'm not being racist. Nothing is wrong with them, I don't hate them, just in what aspect does Indon series give joy and better entertainment to kids that are on holidays now? Does flying angles with poorly done CGI scenes and magic gold chicken make kids go GAH-GAH? I never found them amusing. If the goal were giving kids good morals and unstoppable laughs, showing them 5-6 years old kids crying about how hell life can be and how magical life can stop all the shits with the existence of fairies and gold chicken, then you are the stupid one.


NAZ said…
orang sekrang ajar anak dengan tv :)
An-Zurie Ayesya said…
ajar pulak ckp indon..
sabrina said…
kalu ko x suka weyh
aku lagi lah
tahap gaban
tp memandangkan kakak aku dah jd org indon
kena lah blaja skit
but yeah!
fairy n all those shit patot beragak lah
ni suma nate jadah cite kua..
Anonymous said…
aku mmg x thn dgn cite indon
even tho aku errr,,u know
tp eiyyyy, aku x phm la ngn org msia yg minat cite2 cmtu..ban TV msia!! xDD

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