I've stopped taking roles in Jay Jay's dramatic episodes

I am in a situation where I feel so annoyed with what happened around me. Though I admit, this is not the best move I've taken to show off my maturity. Knowing I've been lied right in front of my face for the whole 2 months was overwhelming, yet as I said before, being an ass for 3 days in a row by not calling, or even bother to hi wasn't the best thing to do.

The news did hit me pretty bad, since I'm so closed to him as I thought we were best friends. He gave an excuse but it wasn't enough. I have my own reasons to feel hurt deeply, but sooner or later I will come to my senses and give him a call to say sorry for being too emotional about the whole thing. Soon, hopefully. I don't wanna think back that a highly foolish and immature action that call our friendship to an end.

I am annoyed, not with him, but the other 'friend' of mine. I wouldn't call her as a friend actually, since she never thinks me as hers. I used to care so much of her, I forgot other things revolve around me. Yet, she never really saw me as her friend, so I might have to stop caring so much about her and put the love more on other things or even, other people.

I've been an ass to her as well. Not harshly, just by not saying hi anymore, or even bother to reply her texts. Well, she didn't bother to reply mine few months back, so I guess we're even. I wouldn't say this is the best way to handle things, but I never seem to care so much anymore about her feelings. She tore mine apart, my fault really, I shouldn't have cared for her that much.

Things happened between us, I heard her cries, listened to her stories, and try to help her with the solutions. She never actually give a damn about all the tips and hints I gave her, so I stopped. I thought she would move on and look forward to a brighter side of the road, but she decided to go a lil backwards and put herself into a position where she claimed to me she never wanted to be in that situation anymore. That annoys me, really bad. Yeah, listening to her cries, and work my ass off to console her, was a waste of time. I was mad back then, but I got over it as it is her damn life, and she plays it the way she wants as other people would do for their own life too. I try to stop being concern of her dramatic episodes of Jay Jay's life.
And yet, she's trying to keep present in my life, sending texts and other random stuff. She's the biggest hypocrite I've known yet.

I'm so sick of all this shits, and trying my hard not to be an asshole to say harsh words to you. I'm sorry that I'm not the best human being to other human being at this moment, but do trust me. You're the only one yet that I have never regretted I stopped to care about a friend.

Have a good life Jay Jay. Adios.
Just a little piece of heart,


Anonymous said…
jenab jebun?
An-Zurie Ayesya said…
cantik kan nama? seindah perangai beliau jugak
Anonymous said…
nant kalo aku dah kawin, aku xbuat mcm ni azaa.

*xpsl jee
Nur Jaffnie said…
teruk gila kan budak ni perangai dia masyaALLAH :)

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