
All the problems have been settled. True, I need to lower down my ego and just make the call. Although I'm hoping that I won't be the only one that dropped down my ego in the future and I'm not regretting the stuff I jot down cause, its kinda the reason we are talking again. So now, no more problems at the moment, except for my major examination.

SPM. 48 days to go peeps, roll up your sleeves and prepare to read! 

Not actually reading myself :P,


Anonymous said…
ape pulak dah jadi ni?

mwahahaha, SPM here i comee! ;DD
An-Zurie Ayesya said…
serious kita nih macam bercinta plak -_-"
Nur Jaffnie said…
haha sekali sekala. aza tak sudi pulak eh :P

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