Aku baru sedar, phone aku hilang

Aku rasa lah, well..because it's not with me right now, or my room, or even in my handbag. Tried to call cause i remember I didn't put it on silent as I always do. Kenapa? bukan sebab takut mama dengar asyik ada org contact, sebab memang takda sape nak contact. Sejak-sejak orang tuh jauh di perantauan, aku dengan hp ibarat kanak-kanak dengan..umm..let's say dengan books. Sometimes they get excited with the colours and drawings in there, but when it comes to reading, not much of them will hang around books all the time. Agak risau lah, sebab nanti mama bising and aku malas nak beli simcard banyak kali. Tapi tak delah sampai tahap tak keruan.

Hari ini dah dua kali aku abandoned handphone Sony Ericsson K800 tuh. Actually I've been doing that for ages sebab I'm not fond of that particular cell. Tapi hari ini sangat obvious that I don't care about the phone since I didn't realise I left my phone on a table in a restaurant. Never been that careless when it comes to tech gadgets. Thank god makcik kedai tuh panggil, or I would have wasted my hours of downloading 278 songs in that phone. Sekali lagi bila keluar dari my grandmother's house without it and went straight into the car. Then I came to my senses and ran back in and grabbed that phone. So aku rasa it's in the car right now. I hope its there or I might dropped it off when I went to the grocery store. Tonight wouldnt be a lovely night to dream on without my 80 tracks of lullabye to my ears. Maybe i should stop saying I don't like it so it won't try to run from me anymore.


drskullz said…

ur going 2 need ur hp after this.. =)
Anonymous said…
skrg dh ade ipod.
phne hilang pun xpee ;D
An-Zurie Ayesya said…
tuhlah, hp buat dgr lagu je pon kan? ;)
sabrina said…
kita sama lah...
phone aku ngan aku, mcm anjing ngan kucing...
cuma ni x gadoh ar

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