Senang je nak selamatkan Bumi

All right, this is a list where things that we can easily do in our daily days that we don't realised could help in saving our Earth. Just don't take this for granted, cause I'm pretty sure, most of us have realised the importance of taking care of the mother nature, that we should have done since ages ago. Instead of swearing to the government because of their unorganised development or all the peoples that still buy things and use plastics excessively or even the people who just simply could not be bothered looking for a trash can, I'll just try to help you people to know the easiest things to do and save our environment :)

1. If you're buying a loaf of bread, or even just a bottle of water, do you really need the plastic to hold it? I really don't think so. Do this, if you still able to hold the things you bought, then hold them without a plastic. So, before the cashier pull out the plastic, just simply say, "No, I don't need that plastic, thank you". And do smile, not because it has anything to do with any of this, but hey, a smile won't cost you a cent.

2. Don't buy speficied rubbish plastics. Especially the blue ones, where you can only put a day or two of rubbish in it. It's definitely a waste. When you purchase more plastics, they produce more and when they produce more, we definitely have more rubbish just by having them laying on the ground and not able to replenished. When you buy groceries and have them packed up in plastic bags, REUSE THEM. Therefore, less plastics at home, and they will eventually reduce producing the plastics. As a result, less plastics around the world.

3. You know how you have ant trails around your house, or even cockroaches running around under your couch? Yes, most of the people in the country just decide to use the pest spray. They have plenty brands out there just to kill pests. They do contain CFC and plus, bad for your health as you spray them and you inhale them at the same time. So, instead of spraying to the ant trails, follow the ants till the end of the trail and spray the hole where the ants are coming from. So, it's like you're looking for the nest and kill more in one spray. As a result, less air pollution. While for the cockroaches, don't spray again and again and again until it dies, I'm pretty sure you'll be out of breath before the cockroach. So just SMACK IT! :)

Maybe some of you think it's lame, or think it won't bring much different, but if ALL the people in the world starts doing things, little steps, little details, it will definitely bring such impact to the world. Do act before it's too late. I love my Earth, please, love yours too.


drskullz said…
i like the smack the lipas part.. huhu..

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