Satu hari ponteng sekolah, dah rasa bersalah

Itu aku, tapi dulu. Dulu, ketika umur baru mencecah 12 tahun. Aku ingat, emak suruh kemas beg pagi Jumaat, aku kemas beg sekolah. Emak cakap, kemas beg besar, nak balik kampung. Aku menangis, sebab tak nak ponteng sekolah. Sumpah. Ini kisah benar. Memang agak pelik sikit bila menangis sebab nak pergi sekolah. Tapi itulah aku, being the only one left in the family, aku bosan di rumah. Aku suka pergi sekolah. But time goes by, zaman tu dah berubah. Sekarang bukanlah suka ponteng sekolah, tapi tak pernah jadi a big deal lagi kalau sehari tak pergi sekolah. Itu kisah aku, ini kisah budak ini.

Stefaner Zaner, yang digelar Iron Kid, because of her 13 years of full attendance. 13 years. Waa, itu maybe aku kalau aku masih bersekolah di Logan Park High School. But hey, 13 years she never missed school, not even a day off because of sickness, or any trip with a family. She is one of the reason that proves, by going to school, you'll get straight A's or even 4.00 in CGPA. She's normal, according to her. "I have these days where I'm like, 'I do not want to be here,' " she said. "I'm just the kid who shows up on those days."

I definitely think these words she said, will become a major quote in future days.


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