Berbiji-biji Barcelona bagi United

Aku dah lama tunggu saat nih, actually, malam tadi. Yes, thanks to Barca akhirnya the United's fans will keep it low for at least 5 months. Aku bukan peminat Barcelona, tapi aku memang nak Barcelona menang, just to keep the United's people shut up for a while. Why? I didn't know MU because of Ronaldo but I know them because of their cockiness. Yeah, maybe depa bagus or whatsoever, but hey, nothing gives anyone the right to brag. They just make people hate them :)

Plus, looking at Cristiano Ronaldo, especially his hair, I'll have to puke. Sorry girls, but I don't like him. Zidane is definitely hotter, especially when watching him head butted Materazzi live on tv in FIFA WORLD CUP 2006.

For 2-0, is definitely VIVA BARCA.
To all United's fans, hope this will help you guys to be a little humble when it comes to any match. For Chelsea Fans, hope you will enjoy this,

Chelsea VS United (Love Story)


sabrina said…
mlm ni ada chelsea...
tgk tau..
btw, booo for muuuuuu...
drskullz said…
i love u.. hahahaha.. kipas susah mati chelsea!!!

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