Hey, cinta baru!

I'm phenomenally thrilled, excited and in love! Seriously, the feeling is indescribable. I am so in love, I'm drooling all over him. I can't even move my eyes for a nano second from the beautifully drawn face. All the good things he brings in my life, I couldn't say enough thanks.

For years that I waited for his existence in my life, after very long searches, countless locations, but then I came home full of frustrations. I was about to give up, and just no longer craving for his love in my lonely life. I never felt so gloomy in my 17 years of breathing.

Then, in this bookstore, I saw them. Yes, so many of them. My eyes were very sore to look for the one that I have been desiring. I look through the eyes but it was an unfortunate that they were not any of them that I would call "the one". I looked down and walked away,

Who knew, the days passed so slowly, and I walked to the same bookstore. I wasn't looking, not even seeking, for the one anymore. Cause really, I could not be bothered and just maybe, love was not for me after all. Yet, he was there, sending me a SOS. Attaching a rope to my heart, pulling me over to look at him in eyes. I was astonished, by the way that he is so simple in so many variant ways. He pulled me closer, I could not resist. I touched him. Yes! I touched him, the lust surges in my veins made me not to think rationally.

I revealed a smile, or even a grin. I wanted to know more, I want to run my fingers down to his skin, know him page by page and smooch his face in any days.

Now, he's mine. Eternally.

I fuckin love you Mr. Thesaurus!


Anonymous said…
hehe.. aja bli pki wet spe?

english ke?
Anonymous said…
lerhh, aku igtkan sape la td!
Anonymous said…
see, you did it kan? ha macam tu lah adik akak :P thesaurus is much more better kan kan.
sabrina said…
sending SOS?
pndi gak mr thesaurus ko ni ek?
An-Zurie Ayesya said…
haha..name lagi thesaurus!
Marvellous.Me said…
err..confuse la..
d guy is a book?..
ka d other way round?..??
An-Zurie Ayesya said…
no aina.
its just a prank..
saje nak kene kan korg..\nih mesti case x tekan dekat link tuh kan?
muSHANG said…
eh haha..ayat..
An-Zurie Ayesya said…
teruk sgt ke ayat i mushang?

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