Gotong-royong 2009

Hari nih aku seronok sebab aku diberi kepercayaan utk incharge gotong royong pengawas 2009, sebab aku exco. Bahagia, because I love being needed by people. Maybe cam kerek tapi entahlah aku happy harinih. Aku started pukul 9.30 a.m. Susah sikit, the brushes were too small and there was only 1 litre of yellow paint. Aku sapu batu-batu yang ada. Pinjam kat pakcik yang bersihkan sekolah kita orang. Ada jugak makhluk ALLAH yang takda keje kacau aku and said bad shits. Then form 4 datang. Diorang excited gila. Berebut satu tin cat tuh. Exco yang lain tak kelihatan lagi. Even though it was compulsary for them. I'm so looking forward to teach them a lesson on Thursday. Say what I have to say, and make sure that they know what they have done wrong.

Tudung, seluar and tangan covered with yellow paint, but it was fun and I would do it all over again :). For those who yang bukan pengawas pon. THANKS ALOT for your help and stay sampai it was done. Aku appreciate sangat, I love you guys so much!


Anonymous said…
mane aku masa korg ramai2 tgkp gmbr? =/
An-Zurie Ayesya said…
kau tgh basuh tgn :)
sabrina said…
aku xda dowh..
x aci...
ni ikot emma basuh tgn lah ni...

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