lame dah

memang dah lama sgt, sampaikan time bukak blogspot tadi berlambak blog updates especially from our 'wannabe drama queen' (she's not exactly tapi tak tahu nak nicknamed ape :P)

okay, dengan lafaz Bismillah (this will be the longest blog post that you will be ever reading in this public diary! I kinda start realising how gay this blog title is.)

From the beginning of the week,
I started packing, with lots of clothes (expecting my bro will bring me to somewhere I call fun) and 2 new Playstation Games for my niece (obviously me too). Guitar Hero 3 and some Shrek 3rd Carnival new game. I know! I know its lame that I just started playing Guitar Hero when the world has already named it as the best game ever! (please do watch Heidi Klum's ad about Guitar Hero on youtube. Damn amusing!) Get so addicted to it seriously. Although my time on ps is only at 1 o'clock in the morning cause I really don't want my niece coming to me and beg "Achu, boleh tak nak main 2 orang?" then "Achu, tak nak lagu nih, tak best". So I don't really get to put the volume on max. (DARN). Lepas tuh, I put on weight cause whenever my brother is around, I'll get to eat whatever I want cause he's my Mc'D-KFC-PizzaHut-SecretRecipe buddy :) so no one can't tell us apart sebab he's just as round as me. (yeah, laugh). He's losing weight though that makes me feel so excluded so now I have to lose weight too. Pressure tau tak! hahaha :D

Duduk rumah seminggu memang macam baby sitter, bangun awal, make breakfast for the lil madam, laundry, dishes, then lunch pulak, pastuh lipat kain later nak turun bawah main basikal. Before 7 rumah kena kemas sebab I really want to put some good impression towards my sis in law. I don't feel forced pon actually. Pernah one day tuh, I woke up at 11 am cause the night before I spent hours tapping on those joy stick main lagu 'Miss Murder by AFI'. Aku rasa bersalah gila. Aqilah was hungry and for the first time dia makan nasi sepinggan penuh!.

Expecting the baby sometime in February tapi aku harap 31st January! hahah. I think it would be Erman Zurry, abg chose nama nih. Zurry/Zuhri/Zurie wajib ada sebab family thing, you know. Kalau girl it would be An Zurie Adilla. That was my idea by the way. (big grin!) Yang kelakarnya, she would have the same initials as me. Now I don't think its such a good idea anymore. Haha! for me kan, the boys will be Ahmad-something starts with an F-pastuh Zuhry. Why? Cause 'Zuh' is from my 2nd brother's name (Zuhri and his son is Ali Zuhri) and the 'ry' is from my 1st brother. Fair kan? Yang girl obviously larh my own name. :D

Then we spent hours playing Jenga. Colourful ones and i think we score a record. (yeah, whatever! haha)
tuh jelah for this whole week. Opss! Dapat undergarments baru (stripessss!! love them! thank u kakak!) lagi? that's all kot. Oh yeah. Devastated sebab tak dapat ikut Emma ngn Sabrina pegi tgk Twilight, nvm next time lah k babes? Lagi?

OHH! Ahmad Fahmie mengigau tulis email yang very, umm..very.....nak cakap apa ek? oklah. Very romantically silly :D. For ages dah tak tulis something like that. and this is a special thanks to you, Atok.

For a year and 9 months, With all the tissues in my heart and liver also blood flows; you're amazingly special in all very weird and funny ways :)

DAH! tak nak jiwang dah! haha EMMA & SABRINA takyah nak ewww kat aku, time korang besok lagi parah padan muka! haha

Astonishingly missing school, and 'Bobby'


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