it has being great breathing and talking about the world that I share with human kinds, strangers or loved ones. Even my late hamster, Koko. To tell the truth I'm not actually a person that fully understands the real way the world revolves or how karma has to do with anything. One thing that I'm sure of that. We don't really get everything we want it to be.

I've made mistakes. Lots of biggies one too. but yet I don't tend to change. I have tried. I changed then I came to be the old bitch I was. I wish that things were a little different or what it's supposed to be call;

Being under a lot of pressure lately. I'm just counting hours for another disaster that I created myself, to be noticed in this house later on. Scared, shivers and sweats. You can say it all but it has happened and there are NO
DORAEMON to present me a machine that enable us to go back to the past change undo what I did.

Tell me actually, what should I do?


An-Zurie Ayesya


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