i'm so annoyed with the july test. Results were like.. OMG..
atleast improving in add maths without having to copy anyone. that's the thing. Some people they get great marks and get compliments from the teachers but they didn't have to work hard for that certain paper. then why they get GOOD MARKS?
easy; bcause they copy other peoples' papers..

yes.. very annoying right? yeah i did that before and trying myself to stop doing that coz it would not be fair for other people and you are lying to yourself..

yang paling menyedihkan that i failed EST..it's like EST???~~!!! how can i failed it? someone thats even worst in english than me pon dpt pass..
nak tahu how? coz she brought in the infos of genetic engineering on that exam day.. how dat i know? coz i saw her..copying and writing down words from an article..

im so pissed off..didnt want to tell any teachers..well u know i did dat once..so..let them be..coz at the end..diorg yg akan rugi.

Alhamdulillah. physics lulus. with my own hard work. :) im not that stupid and im not dat smart. but i'll prove to everyone that im not a stupid person that they can underestimate anytime..and the greatest thing of all is....

i got higher marks in BIOLOGY than TAPIR!!!!!


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