
Nothing much happened today. i wasnt in a very good mood bile sampai skola tadi..
very sleepy..then kyren buat lawak kat kantin (kene bertugas) so dat took my headache away..

then naik kelas..Pn Kartina is doing dis BM quizzes which 1 of d reasons dat i really love her!
me, sabrina and emma..kiteorg kene teamed up wat komsas n IQ test thing..best!! which sabrina enjoyed the most obviously larh the IQ test..
then yg komsas tuh kene arrange letters to make words..

TKNUAN - kiteorg buat tukuan !! hahah it supposed to be "tuanku" LOL~~
then ader GARON SAIL - i said it was ARGON SAIL..hahaha i thought it was in the book sumwhere..rupenyer... ORANG ASLI~~!!! hahahaa


we got pretty good marks and got small sized toblerone..tp EMMA nk sgt kit kat..so i mcm biaser..ikut ckp tuan puteri tuh..
sabrina mrajuk coz she wanted d toblerone..hahaha sume nk jage pyh arh camniihh..

pija kepeng ngn anis dpt biskut..coz they got d highest..then ader extra..cikgu ckp take d balanced..aku da mkn kit kat rse cam xptut lark amek lebih..then accidently terserempak ngn nabil so i gave it to him.. die punyer reaction mcm "huh? biskut? huh? why me? huh?"

he didnt actually said dat..his face did! :P

english..kiteorg ptutnyer dpt blik awal coz mr ganesh wasnt here..aku ckplarh ngn teacher..so kiteorg dpt tgk 'the sound machine' tuh smpai abes..

tapi they got pist off of me..coz sume planned nak balik awal..


balik..aku, sab, emma, pija gi anjung..memenuhkan perut masing2..
KESIAN EMMA~ ooppss..cant say here..she'll do sumthing to me! :(

ujan cam biaser..haiihh..kasuttt.. X(

arinih besstt!! dpt jawab addmaths!! hahaha tapir.. get ready!

tuh jerk kot for today.. see ya guys!!

opppss!! lupe lak..
arinih si tapir tuh buang tebiat perr!!! tp tkutlarh pulak nk cite..anti bojok tuh bace..aku yg kene..LOL~


Anonymous said…

thanks for the cookies once again!=]

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