hari ni

today woke up at 5.30..MasyaALLAH ngantuk tahap gaban.
dnt know why tp memang xleyh lelapkan mate balik..

so baring2 atas katil..was scared dat i cud shiver myself till my teeth drop if i get into d bathroom dat early.

pukul 6 mandi..solat subuh..dengar fly fm morning session..its interesting. not dat i juz knew bout it though..

sampai sekolah trus letak kepale atas meja. seronok. dpt lelap mate kejap.pstuh mr ganesh masuk..he told us dat he's leaving and miss mona lee will take over. damn..most people said shes kinda bitchy and stuff. i have no idea whether dats true. i hope not coz it wud be tough for all of us and her too..when she finds out dat we have a big number of "good students"!

Biology arinih buat experiment..bakar kacang..nggee~! we got it at first but we had so much fun wit it. we burn another one..i still got 10 minutes of nap on dat high table, which pretty much tempted me even more to juz close my eyes though i can still hear Pn Zainab talking about fats in cashew nut dat make it burn longer.

there were some fights at school..sumthing bout form 4 kurang ajar ngn form 5..DUHHH..melawatianss.

balik awal..had nothing to do..skg nih xyah teman emma blik da..die blik tnpe say goodbye pon skg..

ptg tadi men badminton ngn they all..best..at least de gak activity len..esok insyaALLAH men lagik..

ahmad fahmie..nape larh slalu slh phm..ckp baik2 salah..hmm..
i'm sorry


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