
waaaaa!!!!!!!! chemistry tadi..cam nk koyak jerk paper tuhh!! sengal tul..
agam not bad arh..englishh..byk giler nk kene tulis..esok bio, est ngn FUCKIN addmathss..

tahap mennntooolll!

2 days ago ader bnde best jadik..manusia itu..wat request kat fly fm flirty at 10.30..
then masuk radio..hahahah klaka giler..xnk cite lbeyh2..bahaye.. :D

arinih tade pape pon..xpoase coz nk bawak pasta yg aku masak malam tadik tuk they all tuh..
abbes! mereka kenyang perut suka hati larhh..haha..


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