Since Tweet & Facebook is now a verb

Something that other people would call as internet on the go, most people would have a Blackberry or iPhone to make sure their Facebook notifications and Twitter mentions would not be missed. Not something that I would call an advantage since I'm not really into that social networking websites kind of stuff. I mean, I use them for daily basis but mostly to play the games. I know, call me lame. Anyhow, since people nowadays would answer 'I'm facebooking, or I'm tweeting' having smartphones would be the latest trend. Not that I'm jealous of them or anything like that, it's just that these advantages sometimes came along with their drawbacks. Situation 1. I was out for dinner with my brother, his wife and kids. Can't resist to have my 2 year-old niece to sit beside me so she could scream for a Twisties that I bought that evening. While waiting for the ' Nasi Goreng Kampung...