Travelling around, searching for me.

At the age of age of 18, I'm feeling lifeless and bored. Chasing what they call 'fun' and 'success' in life. I'm the one who walks around wondering what to do next, not really the next 5 minutes, but the next 5 years. I'm the one who wonders around walking by myself, trying to figure out my own instincts. I want to chase my dreams, but it seems to run far away from me. I could not even see the sight of my-so-called ambition anymore. It all seem to fade away. I don't even know if it's even possible to achieve my dreams. Despite all these whining, I'm gonna have to stay on the positive side of the track of life. I would not want to add grief to my depression. I could actually see a stick figure coming towards me with a yellow Sharpie, drawing a grin on my face with my teeth showing as the way I like it. I'm surely gonna walk around doing my daily duties with more confidence and most likely more...