Jangan mudah berkata-kata, kalau yang hanya dilihat adalah rupa.

Excuse me, pardon me. Coming through. Okay just imagine that I'm walking through with an enormous broom on my hand (because vacuum is too mainstream) trying to sweep off all the 5-inch dust laying around my blogosphere. This should be the longest time I haven't written anything to squeeze out of my head and seriously, it's getting cramped up with opinions that I'm sure every each and one of you would hate. I'm gonna start tonight's post on something that I love: Language. Language had always fascinated me. The idea of having few words joined together and making a sentence just blew me away off my feet. I'm even more astonished with the theory that a sentence could bring the same meaning even when you build them with different words entirely. That is why Thesaurus has been my all-time favourite book. Nevertheless, the trouble with the Grammar especially English is definitely overwhelming. I mean, where are the rules?! I graduated through high sch...